Motorcycle trainings

from the age of 5. you can participate in the trainings with your own safety gear and bike or use ours!

Our trainings are mostly held in South-Estonia

Join any time

In spring we have special training groups for beginners but you are welcome to join throughout the year!

No previous experience needed

Everyone from the age of 5 are welcome to our trainings despite of previous experience. We have different groups for beginners and for those with more experience.

For males and females

Motosport is not only for boys and men. We have also girls and women participating in our trainings and competitions!

Experienced supervisors

Our coaches are dedicated to the trainings and to the overall development of Estonian motorcyclesport.


The overall structure of our trainings is presented in the table. The exact times and places of the trainings is announced in weekly newsletters and in FB group for participants.

WinterSpring/ autumnSummer
MoTrialTrialMX training (competition group)
TuMX training in Sõmerpalu indoor arena(competition group)MX training (competition group)MX training (competition group + beginners/ hobbyist)
weMX training (rahulikult sõitjad)
ThMX training in Sõmerpalu indoor arena (competition group)MX training(competition group)MX training (competition group + beginners/ hobbyist)
FrMaintenance lessonsMaintenance lessons Krossitreening (competition group)
SaMX training (beginners/ hobbyist)MX training (beginners/ hobbyist)MX training/ Competitions
SuMX training (beginners/ hobbyist)MX training (beginners/ hobbyist)MX training/ Competitions



  • Kohaliku omaalgatuse programmi projekt “Särtsu juurde”, mille raames soetati elektrilise mootorratta treeningutel ning tehnikahooldustundides kasutamiseks (10.2022 – 10.2023)
  • LEADER programmi projekt “Tartumaa tehnikataibud”, mille raames soetati mobiillse tehnikaringi läbiviimiseks haagis ning töövahendid (2022)
  • Kohaliku omaalgatuse programmi projekt “Ühiselt targemaks”, mille raames korraldati motospordialane koolitus (10.2021 – 12.2022)
  • Kohaliku omalagatuse programmi projekt “Tartu moto- ja tehnikahuvilistele suunatud teenuse arendamine”, mille raames soetati Akadeemia tegevuste elluviimiseks täiendav mootorratas (04.2021 – 04.2022)

Wish to join our trainings or support our activities?

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